Friday, September 25, 2009

Poisonwood Bible- Rachel

"I kept thinking, everyone is in such a festive mood, and Leah is just not that far away, in miles. Mother and Adah keep saying they might come over to visit, and if they could cross an entire ocean, you would think Leah would stoop to taking a bus. Plus, supposedly Father is still over here wandering about in the jungle, and honestly, what else does he have to do? He could get all cleaned up and pay a visit to his eldest daughter. Oh, I dreamed of a true class reunion of our family. Just imagine all their faces, if they saw this place. Which, I might add, none of them came" (Kingsolver 463).

This quote is particularly memorable because Rachel wants her family to visit her. She wants a family reunion, and not to be alone by herself, forgotten. She may be selfish in imagining "their faces, if they saw this place," because it seems like she only wants her family to see her accomplishments and not her. The fact that "none of them came" made Rachel want to give up on her family, but she could never forget about what it might be like if they came to visit her. Rachel may have been the materialistic outcast of the family, but she did miss them. She wanted them to be proud of her and the life she made for herself, but this wish never seemed to become a reality for Rachel.

1 comment:

Mrs. Maurno said...

You gave a strong quote that shows the essence of Rachel's character.